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Getting FacetWin Download Files
to the UNIX Server

If you are not able to download the FacetWin installation files directly to the UNIX system you plan to install them on, you may find it difficult to get the files there. These notes should give you a few ideas on how to get them there. If you are still not able to get the installation files to your UNIX system, please do not hesitate to specify your media type here so we can send you the evaluation package in the "regular" mail.

Note: You should only go to the "specify media type here" webpage AFTER supplying the information required for download on our FacetWin download request form -- we'll need to know your platform, shipping address, etc.

FTP Transfer from Windows 95 to UNIX

If the FacetWin download files are on a Windows machine on the same network as the UNIX system you want to install on, then you can use Microsoft's FTP client to copy the files over to your UNIX system. You can startup the FTP client from the MS-DOS Prompt or from the Start Menu's "Run" item with:
     ftp unix_server_hostname
     ftp unix.server.ip.address
Be sure to use "binary" or "image" mode when transferring the files.

Here is a step-by-step example of using Windows 95 FTP to transfer the FacetWin files from the connected Windows 95 system to the UNIX system.

  1. Start FTP.EXE and connect to your UNIX system.

    Start | Run
          Open: [ ftp unix_server . . . . . ]
  2. Assuming your downloaded/backed-up/restored files are in the "C:\DL" subdirectory on your local drive and that you want to put the files in the UNIX "/tmp" directory for installation.
          Connected to unix_server.
          220 center FTP server (Version 2.1WU(1)) ready.
          User (unix_server:(none)): root
          331 Password required for root.
          230 User root logged in.
          ftp> bin
          200 Type set to I.
          ftp> hash
          Hash mark printing On (2048 bytes/hash mark).
          ftp> lcd c:\dl
          Local directory now C:\dl
          ftp> cd /tmp
          250 CWD command successful.
          ftp> put install.sh
          200 PORT command successful.
          150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for install.sh
          226 Transfer complete.
          12345 bytes sent in 3.63 seconds (4.39 Kbytes/sec)
          ftp> put facetwin.z
          200 PORT command successful.
          150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for facetwin.z.
          [ ... ]
          226 Transfer complete.
          1234567 bytes sent in 37.40 seconds (22.5 Kbytes/sec)
          ftp> quit
          221 Goodbye.
    The files, "facetwin.z" and "install.sh", should now be in the UNIX "/tmp" subdirectory.

  3. Now as the "root" user on your UNIX system, continue with the normal FacetWin installation.
          cd /tmp
          sh install.sh
  4. Take a break and celebrate yet another triumph! ;-)

Using Microsoft Backup to Transfer Files on Floppy

Assuming a scenario where you must download the FacetWin installation files to a Windows 95 machine that is not connected to the same network as your UNIX system, don't worry, all is not lost. You can transfer the download files ("facetwin.z" and "install.sh") to a Windows 95 machine on your local network with Microsoft Backup and then transfer the files from that connected Windows 95 machine to the UNIX system with the Windows 95 FTP utility.

To do this you must have the Microsoft Backup utility installed on both Windows 95 machines. If you have it installed you can find it on your Start Menu as:

Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Backup

If you don't have it installed, before continuing, go to your Control Panel, select Add / Remove Programs, go to the Windows Setup tab and add:

      [x] Disk Tools
       +--[x] Backup
Once the files are downloaded to the non-connected Windows 95 local drive, use Microsoft Backup to backup of the files onto multiple floppy disks.

Start | Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Backup

Select the FacetWin files.

      [x] facetwin.z
      [x] install.sh
Select your floppy drive for the backup device and give the backup set a name (I assume drive A: and a backup set labeled: "FacetWin".)
      [===] 3 1/2 Floppy (A:)

      Backup set:
      [ FacetWin . . . . . . ]
After providing as many disks as needed (probably 3) for the backup set and completing the backup, take the floppies over to one of your internally connected Windows 95 machines, insert the last floppy from the backup set, pick your floppy drive as "where to restore from" and then pick the backup set.
      [===] 3 1/2 Floppy (A:)

      Backup Set
      [O] FacetWin.QIC
Select the FacetWin files.
      [x] facetwin.z
      [x] install.sh
When prompted, insert the first floppy from the backup set and continue to follow the prompts as you restore the files. After both files are fully restored on your internally connected Windows 95 machine, use FTP to transfer the files to your UNIX system.

Upcoming File Transfer Notes

Please contact Support@FacetCorp.COM if you need any assistance with your installation, FacetWin configuration or if you have any other questions. Thanks!