We appreciate your feedback:Problem:This is an example error message displayed when the client side emulator connects to the server side program and the information sent back is not recognized by the client. In this case, the needed library module libpam.so.0 was installed on the OS but only forthe 64 bit environment.Other symptoms of this problem are the install process failing with the error that “fct_instal” is not found and aborting theinstallation. FacetWin is compiled for a 32 bit environment. We have had reports on several 64 bit Linux platforms that the FWT emulatorpresents an error message when trying to connect and 32 bit libraries are not installed. This error prevents users from connectingto the host server via the emulator.FacetWin and 64 bit Linux PlatformsSolution:Installing the proper package on your Linux platform that contains libpam.so.0 for the 32 bit library environment.Note, library version numbers will change as they are upgraded by the mfg.We will update this list as other platforms are identified to have this issue. Please use the mail-form below tosend us your platforms requirements for 32 bit libraries on Linux.
Fedora Core RHEL 6: Ubuntu 10.X:pam-1.1.1-4.el6_0.1.i686ia32-libshttp://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/ia32-libsLinux Platform32 bit Library Package NameCentOS 6:pam-1.1.1-13.el6.i686yum install pam-1.1.1-13.el6.i686Depending on your servers configuration you may also need to change the emulator to use PAM authenticationin the /usr/facetwin/facetwin.cfg file:terminal_emulator_security=PAM