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Using Customized FacetTerm Terminal Description Files

Customized FacetTerm terminal description files should be put into a "localterm" subdirectory. They will be preserved when upgrading or re-installing FacetTerm and the customized files will there take precedence over files by the same name in the default "term" subdirectory.

The FacetTerm search path for terminal description files is:

  1. The directory in which "facetterm" was started.
  2. The $FACETINFO directory.
  3. The $HOME directory.
  4. The /usr/facetterm/localterm directory.
  5. The /usr/facetterm/term directory.
  6. The /usr/facetterm directory.
If you downloaded one of the terminal description file CPIO archives, then you can put them in place by:
     mkdir /usr/facetterm/localterm
     cd /usr/facetterm/localterm
     cpio -icdumv < CPIOFILE

The new terminal description files can used by any of the following methods. Using the WYSE 60 ANSI Keys description as an example, the methods in priority order are...

  1. Specifying the terminal type on the "facetterm" command line:
         facetterm wy60ak
  2. Setting the "$FACETTERM" environment variable:
         FACETTERM=wy60ak export FACETTERM
  3. Setting the "$TERM" environment variable:
         TERM=wy60ak export TERM
If you have any trouble implementing your customized terminal description files or any questions, please contact FacetCorp technical support for assistance.