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Was this information helpful? We appreciate your feedback: Sending FacetCorp a Recorded Voice Message If you are experiencing noise or breakups on a call you may be asked to send a recording of the problem to our office for analysis. Here are the steps involved to send us a recording. After you have recorded the problem to a file, play it back on your PC speakers or phone station and determine that you have indeed captured the problem. It may take several recordings before you successfully capture an example of the problem happening in the call. With the problem recorded it is now time to forward the file to FacetCorp for analysis. You will be “Forwarding” the recording to us via email using a special character ’#’ at the front of the email address. This special character sends the file to us in raw form. Click on the call in your voice mail folder. Select “Forward mail” from the pull-down menu. Type the Email Address as:    #support@facetcorp.com Example: Do NOT select “Record a note to go with the message”. Using this technique sends us the file in the format we need to analyze it. We also get the voice mail headers that tell us the time of the call so that we can easily locate it in the FacetPhone log file. After Forwarding us the voice recording file for review, next email us a description of the problem that you are hearing. Does the call have static, hum, breakup, garbled words or some other symptom? Send a complete description to:     support@facetcorp.com