(click to enlarge)(click to enlarge)FacetPhone VoIP IP-PBXGUI Files are Stored on Desktop IncorrectlyProblem:On some Windows systems such as Windows 7, the GUI work files areincorrectly stored on the users Desktop. This problem is caused by additionalsecurity on these platforms by not allowing a user to update files that are storedin the “Program Files” directory tree. When configuration files are located in this directory the connection information for the icon is also lost since files are not writable by the user. Solution:The FacetPhone GUI icon can be modified so that the default Startup directoryis located out of the “Program Files” directory tree and then files can be updatedby the program and connection information can be created and stored.(Right-click the icon on the Desktop and select Properties to modify the “Start in” field) ->The new “Start in” directory should already exist and be in a location that can beupdated by the user. A good place is the users Documents or My Documentsdirectory tree.Keywords: Desktop files GUI configuration not stored or updated launcher startup