FacetTerm assumes certain defaults about a terminal when it starts up, such as the number of lines or having the status line on or off. In some cases, there are different descriptions for the different defaults, such as wy60-2425.fi and wy60-2524.fi for a Wyse 60 with 24 or 25 lines. But in the case of the Wyse 60's status line defaulting to "STANDARD", the terminal description must be changed.
To default the top status line to off for all the Wyse 60 descriptions:
Original Line 21:
# perwindow_default-underline=\EA38 perwindow_default-blank=\EA31Original Line 14:
perwindow_default-...................=\E`cOriginal Line 8:
# perwindow_default-underline=\EA28 perwindow_default-blank=\EA21