The Wyse 370 supports several different sequences for color. We have two different files for color support on the Wyse 370 terminals. Please note: a user can use only one or the other terminal description file. This infers that the applications being used may send one combination of sequences but not both. Below are the details on which sequence combinations are supported by each description file.
If you are getting errors in a FacetTerm window when using color commands, you may need to switch to an alternate FacetTerm description to resolve the problem. There are two primary types of color commands implemented in our description files: standard (default) and index color format (selectable).
Our uses wy370attr.fc which supports the following sequence combinations:
\E [ # ; # ; # mwhere # is:
- underline blink reverse off, colors off, normal
| - underline on and off
| - blink on and off
| - reverse on and off
| - foreground color
| - background color
| - bold dim and normal
| |
Our uses wy370index.fc which supports the following sequence combinations:
\E [ # ; # ; # mwhere # is:
- underline blink reverse off, normal
| - underline on and off
| - blink on and off
| - reverse on and off
| - dim
| |
\E [ 6 1 ; # wwhere # is: 0 to 63
Index color on - background color
\E [ 6 2 ; # wwhere # is: 0 to 63
\E [ 6 3 w - index color off \E [ 6 3 ; 0 w - index color off \E [ 6 3 ; 1 w - index color onThis description also supports ( partially ):
\E [ 6 0 w - unmap index colors \E [ 6 6 ; #1 ; #2 wwhere #1 is: 0 to 63 - index color to remap from ( only to 16 supported ) where #2 is: 0 to 63 - color to remap to