
SCO Open Server 5 and FacetTerm

There are three known issues with SCO Open Server 5 that affect the way FacetTerm works.

Issue One -- Alternate character sets on the console
Issue Two -- Alternate character sets on Wyse 60 terminals/emulators
Issue Three -- Use of pseudo-ttys ttyp256 and above.

Below are the issues and solutions.

Issue One: Alternate character sets on the console.

When either 8-bit characters are sent to the console driver or the alternate character set is accessed (Esc [ 12 m), international characters are displayed instead of the normal line drawing characters. To get around this, you need to do one of the following things:

1).  In the /etc/rc.d/6/kinit file, you need to change 
     the following line:

          mapchan -a

     to look like this:

          mapchan -n

2).  In the /etc/profile, add the mapchan -n command.

Issue Two: Alternate character sets on Wyse 60 terminals/emulations

When line drawing characters are accessed for Wyse 60 terminals or emulations of Wyse 60's, SCO used a valid but undocumented escape sequence in their new terminfo files. To correct this problem, use one of the two following methods:

  1. Modify a FacetTerm terminal description file to support these alternate escape sequences. To do this, first execute the following commands while logged in as root:

              cd /usr/facetterm
              mkdir localterm
              cp term/wy60com.fc localterm
              cd localterm
              chmod 666 wy60com.fc
    Now the file to be modified is in the correct location, you will need to edit the /usr/facetterm/localterm/wy60com.fc file, adding the following lines to the very bottom of the file:


    There is nothing else needed to do. FacetTerm is coded to look for any modified terminal description files in the /usr/facetterm/localterm directory.

  2. You can use the wy60-old terminfo entry. This can be done by either copying the wy60-old into wy60 in the /usr/lib/terminfo/w directory or by setting the TERM environment variable to wy60-old.

Issue Three: Use of pseudo-devices above 256

What is happening here is that when pseudo-devices numbered above 256 can only be used once. There is a bug within the pseudo-device driver that causes this. The fix is available from SCO and is included with the SCO OpenServer Release 5 Supplement 5.0.0d. This can be obtained from SCO through either their BBS service (408-426-9495) or from their FTP site under the Supplements directory (ftp://ftp.sco.com/Supplements/). Get these files from their FTP site:

rs500doc.Z, rs500v1, rs500v2, and rs500v3.