The SCO color console emulations pose an interesting problem when using FacetTerm. The problem that FacetTerm encounters has to do with the different ways that the SCO platform sends color attribute sequences. There are 3 major ways that SCO sends color attribute sequences:
This provides for an extremely large number of color/graphic attribute combinations. In addition to this, there are sub-registers that control the reverse, blink/dim and underline display functions. Different combinations of the above sequences affect these sub- registers differently. Older versions of FacetTerm cannot handle a mix of ISO color, XENIX color and SCO setcolor sequences. That is why we had two different terminal description files: and
One would want to use the file almost all of the time. This file was designed to handle most of the ISO color and the XENIX color sequences. The disadvantage to the ansic file is that this was designed for use on a XENIX color console. The console drivers between XENIX and UNIX handle the color sequences differently enough that this does allow FacetTerm to correctly refresh the screen all the time when on a SCO UNIX console or emulation of the SCO UNIX console. The is designed for use with the SCO setcolor sequences. This works great only if your software is sending the setcolor sequences exclusively. To utilize either of these specific terminal description files, you have two basic ways of doing this.
if fct_info not_a_window then FACETTERM=ansi_setc export FACETTERM exec facetterm nonstop fi
cp /usr/facetterm/term/ /usr/facetterm/localterm/
FacetTerm versions 3.3.0 and later have a true SCO UNIX Color Console terminal description file along with terminal descriptions for several other flavors of ANSI Color that are now handled with an enhanced terminal description language. If you are having difficulties with ANSI color emulations and are using an older version of FacetTerm, it is very likely that upgrading to a later version of FacetTerm will make your life easier!