
FacetTerm Environment Variables

What follows is a list of environment variables that affect the way FacetTerm works. All of these variables will affect FacetTerm during the start up process; thus, they need to be set and exported before starting FacetTerm (unless otherwise noted). Here are examples for a Bourne/Korn shell and for a C shell, using FACETTERM as the variable being set:


Used to specify the directory where capture files are created. This variable overrides effects of the capture_directory= option in the .facet file. This is also detailed in the FacetTerm Manual.


Used to specify a value other than the default for the number of columns that the terminal is starting in.


Part of the fixed line assignment routine on pty versions of FacetTerm. For additional details on fixed line assignments, read the /usr/facet/.facetlines.df file.


Used to specify an alternate .facet to use. The syntax must be a specific filename. For example, in your home directory you have a file called mydotfacet. Setting FACETDOTFACET=mydotfacet will force FacetTerm to use that file instead of .facet. You can include the full pathname when setting FACETDOTFACET. This value is overridden by using the command line option

Used to specify an alternate .facetalpha to use. The syntax must be a specific filename. For example, in your home directory you have a file called mydotfalpha. Setting FACETDOTFACET=mydotfalpha will force FacetTerm to use that file instead of .facetalpha. You can include the full pathname when setting FACETDOTFACETALPHA. This value is overridden by using the command line option .facetalpha=.


This is used with the facetalpha program only. Allows you to set the emulation on each window when the window is opened. You can then use customized TERM values (like wy60fox) and still be sure that the terminal will be set in the proper emulation. This is also detailed in the FacetTerm Manual.


Used to specify a different hotkey value other then the default value of ^W. Be sure to use a carat character then the letter value and not an actual Control-W character. Setting this value will override any references to hotkey= in the .facet file. The command line option of hotkey= will override FACETHOTKEY. This is also detailed in the FacetTerm Manual.


Used to specify the first directory searched for FacetTerm terminal description files and function key files.


Used to specify the search path for the text files that are language specific. This variable overrides the LANG variable but has the same affect. This is also detailed in the FacetTerm Manual.


Used to specify a value other than the default for the number of lines that the terminal is starting in.


Used to activate a mail watch. FACETMAIL must be set to the filename to be watched. The full pathname must be included. This will activate a default file watch. The FACETALARM variable can be used to change the alarm type. The FACETMAILCHECK variable can be used to change the check interval.


Used to set the alarm type for the mail watch activated by the FACETMAIL environment variable. The types of alarms available are listed in the FacetTerm manual under " FacetTerm Configuration Guide: FacetTerm Watch Files (Window Watch)".


Used to set the check interval, in seconds, for the mail watch activated by the FACETMAIL environment variable.


Used as an alternate way (to the FACETMAIL variable) of activating a mail watch. The syntax of setting this variable is the same as setting the UNIX variable MAILPATH. The FACETALARM variable can be used to change the alarm type. The FACETMAILCHECK variable can be used to change the check interval.


Used to specify a different pull-down menu hotkey value other then the default value of ^F. Be sure to use a carat character then the letter value and not an actual Control-F character. Setting this value will override any references to menu_hotkey= in the .facet file. The command line option of menu_hotkey= will override FACETHOTKEY. This is also detailed in the FacetTerm Manual.


Used to specify a different pull-down menu hotkey value other then the default value of ^F. Be sure to use a carat character then the letter value and not an actual Control-F character. Setting this value will override any references to no_prompt_hotkey= in the .facet file. The command line option of no_prompt_hotkey= will override FACETHOTKEY. This is also detailed in the FacetTerm Manual.


Used by the printx screen translation program to tell what kind of printer to format the screen file for. Currently the values for this variable are: default (the default value if FACETPRINTER is not set), epson (for printers that emulate the Epson dot matrix printer control set), kx-p1124 (for Panasonic dot matrix printers in Epson mode) and hpljet (for printers that emulate the HP LaserJet II printer control set).


Determines which shell program will be started by the window command line shell option (Ctrl-W S). FACETSHELL overrides the SHELL variable.


An alternate way to specify a particular terminal description file. This value overrides the TERM environment variable but is overridden by the command line option. This is detailed in the FacetTerm manual.


Used to specify the first directory FacetTerm looks for text files like menu and watch files.


FacetTerm puts this variable into the environment, using the results of a call to cuserid. This is used to set the user id in the /etc/utmp for the sessions.


Used to specify an alternate directory for locating the utmp file to be updated with entries for each active window. Normally, FacetTerm updates the system's /etc/utmp file with an entry for each active window. This has the effect of showing all FacetTerm windows being used on the system when you run the who command. if you do not want FacetTerm to update the system utmp file, you can set this variable to point to another directory.


Used to load a specified watch file. This file can be any type of watch (window, file or program). The full path may also be specified.


Setting this variable to NO will instruct FacetTerm not to initialize, remember or re- initialize individual function keys. Sequences that are recognized as being function keys sequences are passed on to the terminal. This is useful if you are manually going into the setup of the terminal and programming the function keys.


This is UNIX environment variable that stores the location of the users home or base directory. FacetTerm uses this variable in the search path for .facet files and text files.


Used to specify the search path for the text files that are language specific. This variable is overridden by the FACETLANG variable. This is detailed further in the FacetTerm Manual.


Used by FacetTerm to determine which shell (Bourne, Korn or C) to start when a Ctrl-W S is pressed. This is overridden by the FACETSHELL variable.


Used to determine which terminal description file FacetTerm needs to use. Because other UNIX applications look at this variable, it is better to use the FACETTERM variable to specify unusual terminal description files like wy60wy50, wy50addsvp or ice10vt220.