There are two basic methods that will work to add pseudo-devices to your AT&T System V.4 UNIX operating system. Please remember, these methods should work on any Intel based, generic System V.4 operating system. There may be a better way to add pseudo-devices specific to your operating system. Contact your operating system technical support for additional information.
One important aspect of creating additional pseudo-devices is determining how many you need to create. FacetTerm uses 1 pseudo-device per window. For example, you want to run a FacetTerm session with all 10 windows available, you would need 10 pseudo-devices for that FacetTerm session. We recommend taking the number of users you are licensed for and multiplying by 10. This will give you the maximum number of pseudo-devices FacetTerm would ever use. Once you have the number of pseudo-devices FacetTerm is going to use, add this to the number of pseudo-devices that are already being used by other applications or operating system utilities. Please note, you may have an upper limit to the number of pseudo-devices you can create. If there is an upper limit on your "flavor" of UNIX, it is probably 256. Please contact your operating system technical support for additional information about any restrictions.
Disclaimer and Warning: Method B should be performed only by experienced UNIX system administrators who are familiar with kernel tuning and building. Method B describes a very general approach for generic System V.4 platforms. Your "flavor" of System V.4 may already have utilities built in for changing the number of pseudo-devices or may use different/additional/only some of the files listed.
METHOD A: (safest and most reliable method)
Reinstall the Network Support Utilities (NSU) package. When it asks for the number of virtual terminals (pty's), answer with the number of pseudo-devices you calculated above. This method will work on all System V.4 platforms.
METHOD B: (this should be done only by experienced UNIX administrators)
For reference, <pty_number> is the total number of pseudo-devices you are creating. Before performing any of the following changes, copy all of the files referenced into a backup file. Also, the kernel (/unix), /etc/inittab and /etc/ttytype be backed up.
1. Edit /etc/conf/sdevice.d/ptm, /etc/conf/sdevice.d/ptem and /etc/conf/sdevice.d/ldterm. Change field 3 in each file to <pty_number>.
2. You will also need to change field 8 in /etc/conf/cf.d/mdevice to <pty_number> for ptm, ptem and ldterm.
3. Edit /etc/conf/node.d/pts and make sure that there are two lines in the format below for each of <pty_number> devices.
pts pts <device_number_padded_w_zeroes> c <device_number>
pts pts009 c 9
4. Run /etc/conf/bin/idbuild (to relink the modified kernel parameter files) and then reboot your system. /etc/conf/bin/idmknod (recreates the /dev/directory from the kernel configuration files) should be automatically run by the operating system when you reboot the new kernel.